Finding non-duality through the recognition of realities

and the devaluation of values

Logos logic devalues values. At the ‘genesis’ of reasoning there is no debate and values are not part of this vital reckoning. Values, however heart-felt, are just predilections. They obstruct Truth. The proponents of values will not understand logic, will imagine they have a choice and will reject Truth. This essay touches on the sore-points and more.


Logic and Values


Values are dualistic and an obstacle to non-dualistic consciousness. The termination of values is implicit to the termination of ethics because they are relative. The crux of the rejection is focus. Logic does not have a focus whereas dialectic does. Logic is concerned with the inter-connection of relativities and dialectic is focused on relativities, [without knowing they are relative]. Values are amongst the relativities. Logical links identify non-dualistic associations. Nothing is central to logical associations. The absence of a focus is a defining feature of non-duality. However, five values are absolute, and three of them are pertinent to the following essay. After this introduction on realities, this essay addresses socio-political values and environmentalism and values.


The defining of what is real is a serious moment in any philosophy. Our prevailing idea of reality is synonymous with objectivity. It is accepted that individuals are real and the rest is science’s job. This is why scientific proof is required to validate any theory, metaphysics included. Here is not the place for what exactly logic says constitutes reality, but it is explicit about the essences a reality possesses and there are more than one reality.

Dialectic is focussed on the individual. The objective individual is real like no other entity that dialectic knows. It is an unavoidable start and a limited base from which to grasp reality. Reasoning naturally begins with the self-conscious individual, as per Rene Descartes’ “Cognito, ergo sum”, and science has taken objectivity to the limit.

Logical Realities

Logical realities are individuals, the nation and the environment. They have the same metaphysical essences. Dialectic recognition of the nation and the environment is problematic. In politics totalitarian philosophies recognise the state/nation as real while liberalism theoretically does not, because it supports individualism. Duality permits only one truth and liberalism opted for individualism. The nation is a practical reality in liberal countries but liberalism has declared its preference. Totalitarian philosophies do not understand the nation as logic does, and likewise, liberalism does not individuals.

The nation and the individual connect in a relationship called citizenship. Understanding what is shared at an immanent level, and thus, what makes citizenship an absolute value, pre-empts appealing for ethics, justice, duty and rights.  

Dialectic and the matter of how real the environment is

For dialectic the environment is real but humans are more important. Talk of balance is meaningless in a consciousness that seeks objectivity. Humans and the environment are two objectives and dialectic can only handle one. Environmental theorists prove this point about the limitations of dialectic in their own doctrinal disputes as per the anthropocentric vs ecocentric debate. In their efforts to define the interrelatedness they feel exists between humans and the environment, theorists cannot avoid being human-centric [anthropocentric] or eco-centric. And their employing morality to make their respective cases only leads to nonsense. Dialectic fails both viewpoints, but this is not recognised because they know no alternative.

  Humanity and the environment are relativities that make a whole called environmentalism, which happens to be another absolute value.

Getting the thinking right is paramount. Ideas are crucial because the tradition to which this philosophy belongs holds creation to be the celebration of an Idea. Environmentalists are coming at this conclusion from the awareness that ideas and not politics will transform the world to ecological soundness. They have not yet seen that their debates are a continuation of the intellectual odyssey towards one key concept.

Revolutionary metaphysics

Metaphysical recognition of the nation as a reality revolutionises consciousness. Logic finds the essences of the nation and individual to be analogous. Logic does not just declare or accept the nation to be real. It describes the essential components and identifies them as identical with the essences that constitute individuality. Knowledge of fundamental relationships results in the invalidating of values.

It is not bizarre to accept that the institutions and activities of a nation magnify individual qualities. Consequently the nation is an ‘extension of the individual’. GWF Hegel speculated upon this and I supply the proof. In the e-book, the next metaphysical leap embraces the environment, and then follows an explanation for creation. This religion-dwarfing development is driven by a compulsion akin to reductio ad absurdum- only it does not collapse into absurdum.

Values have an uncomfortable relationship with truth. They are relative like truth, and consequently can become diametrically opposed to truth. The “feel-good” quality of values lends an advantage to the moral/values case that is not deserved. Values arise when there is no comprehension of absoluteness. With the patronage of dualistic religion, values assume importance and easily become defacto absolutes. Political and ecological problems reveal ordinary truths and values do not comprehend reality. In the light of the new logic it is seen that values are illusory. They are only rules.

The third absolute value pertinent to this essay is democracy. If an idea is worth saving then it has to be described without reference to values. A logical explanation for democracy actually liberates it from the fiendish grasp of equality. In its time, equality served adequately through the ideological period of our intellectual development, though it was never true. Now equality has over-reached its’ usefulness and is more Hyde than Jekyll.


Equality, Non-discrimination, Progress, Peace, Economic Growth, Justice, Freedom, Anti-racism, liberalism. 

Values - What Values?

Values and absolute Truth are not kin though they share a half brother, relative truth. Values and Truth represent different systems of consciousness. 

A few values are absolute, but dualistic consciousness is nonplussed about why and which ones, so there is no common ground. Values are the most precious ideas dualistic consciousness can conceive of. God, goodness and values are examples of what is meritorious to duality. The proponents of values need occasionally to dispute with scientists. These occasions occur because of the relativity of both values and truth.

It is not appreciated that (I) values are articles of belief, (ii) belief in values is not well founded and (iii) belief is inherent to dualistic consciousness. For example, values are assumed to be of relevance to individual behaviour and politics. When logic defines the nation as a reality, values cannot recognise this reality, so the assumption that values are relevant to politics is invalid.

The following sentence is subtle, but critical. If values were creating both individuals and nations then values would be a True measure of both.

If values were absolute there would only be morality tales, not elaborate dramas. Drama includes incidents where values are inadequate or strained. Values broadly work at a personal level, but at a political level the inadequacies are amplified.

The philosophic revolution had to happen where empiricism and metaphysics could agree upon the explicitness of a metaphysical formula. Scientific support for logic is requisite. Though, scientific endorsements are not easy to come by, Einsteinian Relativity is most sufficient. Politics is the real arena and here an equivalent “Theory of Social Relativity” is delivered. Thereafter metaphysics can explain history, religion, mysticism and psychology, and range over the branches of philosophy, but politics and science are the qualifiers.

Absolute Truth is explicated by a logic that squares with creation. What is analogous to the process of creation is absolute. Values are human constructs. Their point of reference is moral goodness. So values follow from goodness and Truths follow after creation.

Values and truth relate to the apparent world. Absolute Truth relates to immanence, the underlying design of creation. Appearances are recognised by logic as relative, so values and truth are relative. Relativity diminishes the status of values. All the values that take goodness as their basic virtue are relative. At a political level values can be dangerous.

Logic endorses democracy, but not liberal democracy. Logic’s endorsement is without reference to values, ie. freedom, equality or rights. It comes from democracy being an analogue of creation.

Science involves itself with appearances and almost entirely it pursues relative truth. When critical decisions need to be made, goodness/values overrides truth. An example is political correctness, where liberalism opts for equality and ignores truths, because liberal democracy is based on equality. 

It is relevant to know absolute Idealism, the tradition that logic belongs to. While duality wants to improve the world, Idealism seeks to rationally transcend it.

Absolute Idealism

What really exist are Minds, ie. souls; the transcendent component of ordinary minds. The mind has metaphysical parameters and these are the keys to transcendence Mind. There is only one Mind, of which finite minds are fragments. To elaborate, the parameters of our mind are universal, common not only to all humans, but are inherent to all creation. And it is human destiny to rationally comprehend this universal Mind.

The external, apparent world arises from the logos. What is manifested has an unseen system that is Mind, or immanence. The search for the Idea behind appearances comes to Mind/immanence and finds the logos. 

It is unfortunate that absolute Idealism shares the label “idealism” with moral idealism. They are not to be confused. They are inimical.

Effectively there are only two names to associate with absolute Idealism; GWF Hegel and mine. This is because Hegel’s speculative metaphysics is as speculative as metaphysics need ever be. After Hegel, philosophy needs definitive metaphysics and this is what I supply. I have rationalised Mind.

For absolute Idealism the highest virtue is transcendent insight; pure comprehension. It is not a philosophy of action. Though keenly interested in politics, it has no programme.

Every absolute, genuine or imaginary, has some looping means of realising or justifying itself. For morality, evil and goodness constitute justification of its claim to reality. That it should fail to have an explanation for how good and evil could be actual agents of creation and not phenomena after the event, is something morality is silent about. Its self-endorsing loop finds good or evil and that is all it needs to do. Morality’s loop says that good and evil are fundamental. Events are either good or bad and that level of discernment is all that is required. Ethics, dialectic and empiricism are dualistic.


Logos logic supplies an explanation for how creation happens and finds reason in the process of creation. The joining of reason and creation in one concept makes for an unrivalled claim to logic. Religions can be supplanted by this advantage. This is the realm of antecedents where rational ideas cancel received belief. A rational explanation for creation relegates God to the level of myth.

Creation is the most critical religious doctrine. The usual story has God doing the creating. Duality naturally follows because human priorities [goodness] follow from human imaginings and human dislikes [evil] are born of such priorities. The nature of creation is such a mystery that the role of the creation doctrine in predicating a world-view is unappreciated. The likelihood of a rational successor to religious belief is unimagined so the vulnerability of religion from this quarter is similarly unappreciated. The logic that deposes dialectic of its claim to logic will cause religions to succumb.

History and Purpose

The advent of logic is dependent upon social complexity and therefore transcendence requires time and a culminate event. It could not happen in a pre-industrial society because the culminate event is ideological conflict. To this end, consciousness evolves through politics, and nations are the main actors.

As befits a theory giving precedence to “The Idea”, the purpose of creation is Mind’s self-recognition via finite minds, ie. finite minds find human purpose in recognition of Infinite Mind. This is logic’s self-justifying loop. It is as inclusive as any idea can become. The evolution of consciousness makes history crucial. So logic has to include a philosophy of history.

Political Philosophy

In my hierarchy of branches of philosophy, first is metaphysics, second is empiricism, third is political philosophy and fourth is the philosophy of history. Political philosophy has been a backwater, equal in status with axiology [the study of values] because political philosophy is variously defined as “applied ethics”, “… begins with equality” and “… inquires into the justification of any form of government”. The philosophy of history is another quiet sector, partly because such philosophies are very rare. The importance of politics to consciousness can only be explained in concert with a deterministic Will in history. Idealism is “visionary stuff” that emerges at the transition of epochs.

Every political philosophy advances a view of human nature. Commentators of such theories will settle for the plausible, but logic confounds the critics. Logic is obliged to be definitive of human nature. This has been thought impossible, but to make the impossible, incredible, logic delivers a concomitant explanation for the state. The archetypal individual cannot be defined without reference to the archetypal social order. In the course of defining what is fundamental to humanity, logic produces what is fundamental to each nation. In other words, National Mind – the theory of social relativity, is joined to Individual Mind – the theory of the soul. A syncretic statement defines what capacities are fundamental to an individual, and declares these same capacities immanent/fundament to society. So the nation is an individual writ large. All creatures are defined by their social arrangements, and as it happens, so are we define.

History’s Agent

Dialectic, ie. common reasoning, is dynamic on account of tensions between relative truths. Tension results in a challenge.  Consequently, the impetus for history comes from polarised positions that pressure people into reactions and adventures. These tensions are sufficient to make history happen and consciousness evolve. Consciousness can  evolve to its self-recognition. In the process it makes history deterministic.  The Reformation is a pre-industrial example of polarised, political reasoning. Individualism is easily traced to the Reformation. Individualism led to ideology, and ideology is duality’s consciousness’s crowning dilemma. The hand of history is the partisan, relative nature of common reasoning.

Politics and Purpose

Political problems are symptoms of the failure to comprehend underlying structures. Political disputation is the critical arena for consciousness because “the nation is the True individual of history” [Hegel]. In the political arena ideas become more than personal opinion because political scale ensures that they are amplified to become impersonal examples of a particular category of thought. The opinion of a ruling cleric in Iran becomes an example of theocracy if the opinion is adopted. Hitler and Stalin exemplify dictatorship. In this world every permutation is explored to the credit or discredit of some idea.

For persons who embrace Judeo-Christian or humanitarian sentiments, political trauma elicits sympathy. Idealism departs from such sentiment. For Idealism political trauma is a symptom. It is the duty of every individual to be politically conscious, to identify with their nation even while opposing it, so as to effect the development of consciousness. The growth of rational consciousness is a collective achievement effected through politics. War is a part of the process. To the media, who did the destruction, raping, pillaging and murder is treated as seriously as the antagonisms. Yet the progress of a war is a sideshow to Idealism. The real issue is why there was not mutual understanding and/or avoidance. What mental laziness meant the retention of received beliefs that divided communities? Or, take the war against nature. Morality thinks that child mortality due to malaria means there must be mosquito eradication. But since relevant countries are over-populated the Idealist view is “leave the mosquitos”.

Values and Sentiment

With belief a component of values, and goodness the prime value, sentiment is also pertinent to receipt of values. In contrast logic is without sentiment. Sentiment is not denied by logic, but nor is it indulged. On this point let us look to homosexuality for an example of how values change and logic is consistent. Homosexuality has received increased tolerance. The logic of this proclivity will be the same 1000 years from now.


Homosexuality is logically deviant. Male–male is not a dichotomy. Creation rests on dichotomies; eg. male-female; mind-matter, interacting. Without deliberation on rights or the proper use of sex organs, homosexuality is censured. This is a discriminatory judgement and a rebuff to the politics of inclusion.

Should we be tolerant of homosexuals? Logic is not a philosophy of action and tolerance is too relative and circumstantial for logic to apply. Betwixt immanence and appearances; the way things should be and the way they are, there is many a slip.

Everything apparent has some connection with immanence. One male is party to logical sex, but not two males. One element of homosexuality, ie. one male, concurs with logical sex. Strictly it is not a case of logic rejecting homosexuality [as per orthodox ethics], rather it is a case of homosexuality not measuring up to logic. This point is important when the issue is ideological. Fascism, Communism, Socialism, Liberalism etc. all have some “element” of the logical about them, but they fail to measure up to the whole. They are devoid of something and deviant as a consequence.

There is the perception that the “transcendent and sacred” must be non-discriminatory. The root of this idea is ethical, not mystical. Logic declares what is the norm and homosexuality is not it. Religion is correct to censure homosexuality, only it does not know the grounds for this judgment.


Relative values are open-ended. It is known that freedoms are not absolute, but what recognition is there that equality is relative? In economics, theorists retreat to ‘equity’, ie. fairness, but on social issues equality is a dominant ideal. Liberalism is committed to equality for it is the basis for its concept of democracy. This dependency on open-ended, one-dimensional, equality is rewarded with political correctness. Political correctness is equality over-playing its relevance. Acceptance of this value is a barefaced act of belief. It is a challenge that says, “You are in this system of thought and this is what you must accept to be consistent. Can this possibly be right? And can you reason your way around this consequence without damage to democracy?”

Equality extends its argument into ethnicity and race, which should be irrelevant to a supposedly individual-based, democracy. Regardless, democracy is currently surviving well, but it is not surviving upon its own merits. It is supported by capitalism, growth capitalism in particular, which is another value-prone institution. Democracy should be a self-supporting, meritorious idea, but its fortunes are not certain without growth capitalism because equality does not articulate a genuine sense of community. Indeed, quite the opposite is the case and it will only worsen when the capitalism engine falters.


The First World War discredited the idea of Progress, yet for want of a better idea it has continued. Its continuance is due to the need to believe history is about betterment. It is hard to know how seriously people believe in Progress. Goodness is basic to Progress, so denial of goodness must have repercussions for Progress. Actually, the repercussions were a further obligation on myself to supply a new concept because history is purposeful. Duly, a new, sister concept to logic arose. It is called “Enhancement”. It has its genesis in the logos. It explains the deterministic Will in history that combines intellectual development with materialistic achievement. The climax of deterministic Enhancement is rational transcendence.


In the absence of a rational explanation for creation, people resort to belief in God and the dualistic world-view follows. Non-believers are still obliged to believe in duality. Because they cannot replace belief in God, they merely have a “blank” on the matter of creation. Belief in peace and opposition to war is automatic and ritualistic. War is the great anti-value that challenges perception of the world through its horror, but ordinarily war reinforces peace.

Religion is central to a consciousness and dualistic religions are obstacles to peace. Given the earnestness with which religions profess their affinity with peace, their being hazards to peace is not what they can imagine, but unsupported belief feeds the religious imagination.

War is inherent to dualistic consciousness. Dualism is point and counter-point not recognising their affinity. This level of thought does not grapple with the cause; it addresses the appearance. Opposition sustains duality. Oppose war and duality will repay you with more war. Preach benevolence and expect malevolence.

To focus on a real peace problem, consider Israel and the Palestinians. This problem is a combination of exclusive religious and nationalistic sentiments. If there is ever to be peace between Arabs and Jews then it will not come by way of peace diplomacy. The root cause is duality. If peace is to prevail, logic must make the great dualistic faiths; eg. Christianity, Judaism and Islam, obsolete. Explaining creation is what it will take to terminate these religions.

Israeli and Palestinian exclusivity on nationalism is also a serious divide. It will take time to abandon religious affiliations just as it will take time to achieve cultural parity.

Enhancement explains how races, cultures, and nations are not equal. Some races, cultures and nations are relatively superior and others are relatively inferior. Israelis have more intellectual development and material achievement than Palestinians do. Israelis are culturally superior to Palestinians because they are democratic, enjoy a freer intellectual environment and are more industrious than Palestinians are. [If you protest that Palestinians are a subjugated people, then extend the comparison to all Arabs.] Palestinians are not inherently inferior and it is not their destiny to remain inferior. Given the opportunity, parity in Enhancement would happen. Nationalistic sentiments should ameliorate with the withering of religious identity.

If Israel is to find peace then it will require Jews to no longer be Judaic and Palestinians to abandon Islam. The abandonment of dualistic faith should occur multilaterally amongst all followers of dualistic faith around the world, so the abandonment of faith is not an obligation to be borne by the inhabitants of one nation.


Justice cannot produce, identify or endorse an absolute Truth. It has plenty to say about injustice but has no realistic idea of how to avert injustice. It cannot properly analyse a catastrophe like the Holocaust and it has not averted comparable outrages. Contrary to popular perception, the root cause of the Holocaust was not racism but dualistic consciousness. Discrimination against Jews was not unlike the Protestant – Catholic discrimination that caused the Thirty-Year War. The Holocaust was not about how Jews looked, but how they thought. Racial ideas served to condemn the religious affiliation Nazis found intolerable. Communists were self-righteous about fascists, and they were no better, so dualistic ideas of evil and justice are strained.

A change of logic would have averted the Holocaust. Such an event is beyond ethics, so it is beyond justice. It was also beyond the intellectual possibilities of the first half of the 20th century, but it is no less True. The lesson to be drawn from this is that the quest for social cohesion must go deeper than liberal tolerance to the antecedents of consciousness. It is not OK to abide by received wisdom, to acquiesce in circumstance and follow a tradition of belief. The Idealist imperative casts religious tolerance in a new light - religious tolerance cannot work. Religions deal in absolutes, so does history, and reckonings are inevitable. We are not here to believe, we are here to understand.

It behoves all persons to transcend their differences. Implicit to our transcendent purpose is an obligation to find real resolutions. History is the record of punishment for not being wise to this obligation. Therefore the Holocaust was both a hopeless predicament and a moment of cosmic justice. There are innumerable episodes where the real issue is the inadequacy of ideas. The “transcendent imperative” insists that we rise above our relativities and in certain places and times the failure to do so results in extreme adversity. Persecution and war is justice for the dereliction of the obligation to consciousness. The irony is that ignorance of this duty normally serves only morality, which is a major contributor to the continuance of duality.


Liberal democracy rests on the validity of capitalist, growth economics. Economic growth is the only way that the world knows how to sustain an open society. Economic growth is incompatible with finite resources and organic systems. We cannot expect to see another century of accelerated development like the 20th century, but we are beginning the 21st century with undiminished enthusiasm for capitalist growth. 

It is growth, not capitalism, that logic cannot concur with. Capitalism is acknowledged as logically valid and the logical complement of democracy. If dualistic consciousness prevails there will come a time when growth capitalism will fail and then there will be the abandonment of liberal democracy, capitalism, liberal values, baby and bath water, but not duality. An ecologically sound Civilisation cannot pursue growth.

Racial Discrimination

The next anti-value after war is racial discrimination. Both anti-values are evolutionary pressures for the promotion of consciousness. This is the purpose of anti-values. They may possibly cause reflection. Logic is not going to condemn racial discrimination. As an anti-value it needs to be transcended like any value. Treating racial discrimination as moral deviancy is blind to the shortcomings of morality, liberalism and the relative truths of racial difference.

Recognition of the nation as a reality gives proper recognition to various forms of collective identity [ie. community, culture and race], and the invalidation of ethics, gives a new complexion to racial discrimination. The situation is analogous to liberalism’s failure to give the nation its due recognition. Collective identity is recognised by dialectic but effectively denied by ethical preference for racial equality. With logic, racial matters broaden from the ethical simplicities of being individual to individual in relevance, to the expansiveness of being about individuals, their culture, the history that makes for any circumstance, and their common interests. Frustrating evolutionary ambitions [ie. segregation and apartheid] is a crime, though they count as milestones in the great scheme of deterministic development. The immanent grounds for due recognition of fellow humans circumvents the need for equality, and provides for sentiment-free understanding.

The growth of consciousness is a slow process. Its culmination requires complex societies with complex problems. It takes a long time and challenging circumstances to build the requisite civilisation. Political economy is the last milestone on the road to transcendence and it involved major conflicts and threats of conflict. So transcendence is not built on peace but conflict, and denial of causes of conflict do not help. Anti-racism is denial because duality cannot concede a truth.

Other parts of the world are still learning through war basic lessons about self-determination and liberation. Take for example East Timor where there is proper condemnation of Indonesia for its invasion and domination, but there is no acknowledgment that the Timorese were backward in their nation building. Their subjugation has accelerated their sense of nationhood and Indonesia has given them cause for thought about being masters of their destiny. Something of this rude, collective awakening prevails in regards to racial discrimination.

According to liberalism, democrats do not discriminate because they believe in equality. But democrats do discriminate. They discriminate because collective identity has immanent roots. It must be said that immanence does not discriminate. History is a relevant factor and histories are not equal, so discrimination has validity. The addressing of discrepancies is a matter of social evolution. Inferior peoples can be expected to earn acceptance on the strength of their contribution. But mere existence is insufficient to merit respect in a world that has purpose.

The founders of the American Constitution believed in equality, community and racial discrimination and no effort is given to understanding why. It is simpler to moralise, demean predecessors and believe in Progress, than to face up to taboo truths like inferiority and the probability that ancestors had a better sense of community. Democrats racially discriminate because their judgment leads them to conclude that:

·        There is collective identity and racially-based identity is one category;

·        There are historic grounds for racial differences being expressed in differing levels of development and achievement, and superior and inferior are part of the lexicon;

·        Qualities one race exhibits are not emulated by another;

·        It is hard to reject the superior and easy to reject the inferior, people included;

Anyone who accepts the above as true have not had the necessary concept to refute the prevailing morality and the supporting consciousness.

Liberalism’s Cop-Out

Liberalism is basically a collection of values that emerged from a strictly empirical stance. The state did not warrant a theory, only demarcation for personal liberty. History is metaphysical territory so it did need not be addressed. The lack of any grand estimation of human capacities or destiny prompts the criticism that liberalism has nothing to feed man’s soul. This criticism would normally be treated as peripheral but every commentator knows Civilisation is drifting. Once liberalism was wise not to be ambitious about the nature of man and his destiny, but now big answers are needed and liberalism simply does not have the philosophic tradition to produce renewed relevance. It is an exhausted relic. The following paragraphs will make this plainly evident.

Support for liberalism comes from cultural relativism. Cultural relativists maintain that all cultures are unique and equally valid because there are no means by which to compare and determine which culture is superior and which is inferior. This idea makes a virtue of intellectual inadequacy. It ignores the hordes of second and third world people who are being repelled from the borders of the European first world.

When no longer confident about what is truth, dialectic will turn on the culture that it previously served, devaluing its history and achievements. Post-modernism in particular is signalling dialectic’s malaise. Post-modernism is supposedly hard to understand. It is quite simple if you step back. At one level it means “white men are guilty” and at another level it says, “this culture and its theorists are moribund”. Adherence to values has arrived at cultural denial. The rise of the West through material achievement with intellectual rigour counts for nothing if all cultures and individuals are equal, including those who have nothing admirable to show for their existence. Dialectic can only be itself and if its shallowness makes it a turncoat, it is only following its [relative] nature. Consequently liberalism’s greatest enemy is itself.

From academia has surfaced moral liberalism, happy to assume Christianity’s moral mantle to continue the Judeo-Christian tradition of self-effacing meekness. Well-educated progressives have a great problem with superior, inferior and triumphantalism. It is poor-form to celebrate the successes of the West since they are morally suspect. The preferred agendas reek of flagellation and cultural debilitated is born of fear of being morally insensitive.

The inability of liberal philosophy to accept that the state is a reality means it can ignore collective identity. This is convenient when the issue is racial identity, but the salient point is that liberalism is not qualified to criticise. Without a sense of community or better, a philosophy of history and nationhood on which to base its expectations of racial harmony on, criticism is speciousness. Liberalism’s leading ideals are liberty, independence and autonomy, the antithesis of what is required for comprehension of irreducible groups like cultures, races and nations. Denying these loyalties is dangerous because they will be required to build an ecologically aware society.

Future Cohesion

The future depends upon cohesion within and between nations. After this age of realised individuality there needs to be a return to social instincts. This will probably be forced by stresses upon the environment. To assist the development of social awareness there is logic. Logic will improve the ability to reason.

Here is one commentator’s survey of the last century and his anticipation of the future.

The combined effects stemming from the successes of science, liberal democracy, free-market economics and the mass media have produced an era of personal freedom and a realised individuality unrivalled in the past. This is no mean accomplishment, but it still leaves a lot to be achieved. Look at America’s inability to deal with the race issue, which has cast its shadow down the century. Look at the ethic cleansing in Rwanda and, more recently in Kosovo, so reminiscent of both the Holocaust and Conrad’s Heart of Darkness. Look at the figures for crime, drug abuse, illegitimacy, and abortion. All of these reflect, at some level, a breakdown between different groups - different nations, different races, different tribes, different sexes, different families, different ages. The developments of the twentieth century have taught us more about ourselves as individuals, but they have not taught us much about ourselves as members of groups, interlocking groups, with shared responsibilities as well as rights. In sociology the dominant influence of Marx has been to stress the way some groups (the middle classes, management) dominate and exploit others. This has caused massive neglect in the study of the other ways in which groups relate to one another. In psychology, Freud’s emphasis on individual development, again allegedly based on self-interest, hostility, and competition, has put personal realisation above all else.

  The task before science is, therefore, as clear as it is urgent. It is to turn its attention to groups, groups of people, the psychology and sociology of groups, to explore how they relate to each other, how individuals relate to the different groups of which they are members (families, sexes, generations, races, nations), in the hope they shall some day be able to understand and control such phenomena as racism, rape and child and drug abuse.

[p. 768 “a terrible beauty - a History of the People & Ideas that Shaped the Modern Mind”, Peter Watson, 2000, The Orion Publishing Group Ltd, London.


It is interesting to note the author looks to sociology and psychology, not philosophy for the answers to developing group cohesion. It is omissions such as this that illustrate how low expectations of philosophy are.


Green Politics are aligned with Deep Ecology,

logos logic and absolute Idealism  

Values and Environmentalism


The raison d’etre of the environmental political movement [Greens] is a change of consciousness. Environmentalism is the issue where a global concern meets the highest philosophic aspirations. World-worry and the seemingly detached convictions of absolute Idealism converge because what is non-negotiable is absolute, and salvation in consciousness is absolute. Greens have not come to the point of seeing their purpose as absolute Idealism, but Idealism is everyone’s rational purpose if they care to think.

Environmentalism should be beyond politics. Logic can elevate it to that status.

Greens seek a change of values and/or consciousness for “Not only are we facing ecological disasters that will affect our ability to survive, but the crisis is forcing us to re-examine the entire value system that has governed our lives for the past two thousand years”. [From the dust cover of “it’s a matter of SURVIVAL” by Anita Gordon and David Suzuki, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1991.] Greens are concerned about “…global warming, soil erosion, acid rain, species depletion, resource depletion, ozone damage, rainforest destruction, overpopulation…”

  The Green call for new thinking recognises that the environmental crisis is a result of:

·        the worldview of civilisation,

·        the incompatibility of the prevailing consciousness with a finite world, and,

·        the compulsion to do the ecologically correct thing has to be innate.

Survival and dualistic consciousness are incompatible and consciousness has to change.

Amongst Greens there is confusion when it comes to clearly stating their objectives. They know to criticise duality but they cannot escape using dualistic concepts. Values Greens oppose are growth, materialism and Progress. Values they support are justice, equality and peace. At this point, a new consciousness is confused with a rearrangement of values and their ambitions are dashed. Greens cannot “re-examine the entire value system that governs our lives…” because they do not appreciate that it is logic that is pivotal, not ethics and values. Green theorists have criticised the prevailing logic for being reductionist, but the same concept supports the value system from amongst which there are values they advocate and values they reject.

Logic is a slippery slope and the ability to grapple with this root concept is not a Green embarrassment. One of their number has risen to the challenge of brings ultimate ideas into alignment with their concerns. Greens need to be convinced that it is values that are a worry, not absoluteness. Can the sought support be recognised if devoid of Judeo-Christian imaginings?

Deep Ecology

Deep ecology is the title under which various environmental theorists gather to pontificate on how to change the world. Theorists for deep ecology make this distinction:

Shallow ecology deals with solutions for pollution and resource depletion, rather than fundamental changes in human relations with non-human nature. Deep ecology means transformation at the level of consciousness and worldview, rather than the transformation of production and reproduction.


The word "deep" in part referred to the level of questioning of our purposes and values when arguing in environmental conflicts. The "deep" movement involves deep questioning, right down to fundamental root causes. The short-term, shallow approach stops before the ultimate level of fundamental change, often promoting technological fixes (e.g. recycling, increased automotive efficiency, export-driven monocultural organic agriculture) based on the same consumption-oriented values and methods of the industrial economy. The long-range deep approach involves redesigning our whole systems based on values and methods that truly preserve the ecological and cultural diversity of natural systems.


This is an example of the common belief that “values and methods” are fundamental. There are many examples of deep theory equating with values. All that is happening is the theorist is investing environmentalism with the highest honour he knows to bestow. When the appropriate a priori concept does not exist then one has to use what is at hand or do some original thinking. The above does not invalid deep ecology, it only shows that “the level of questioning” is not deep.

  Non-dualistic consciousness is an area of theory that appeals to Greens. It arises from mystical identification with creation, so clearly it is very deep. No mystic aligns non-duality with values, so in their hearts Green theorists know values are a cop-out.

Deep – Only Traditional Metaphysics is deep

Only traditional metaphysics is deep. Only metaphysics seeks immanence and that is the limit.  

Deep Ecology is logos logic

A quick quiz for Greens who know philosophy:

·        If values and dualistic consciousness are flawed, and not fundamentally, what possibilities remain?

·        Is anything more fundamental than logic?

·        If duality/empiricism/dialectic/science/objectivity/reductionism/values stand collectively compromised and guilty of bringing Civilisation to an ecological crisis, what rational tradition is left?

·        Are G.W.F. Hegel, Scholasticism and metaphysics-in-general guilty of ecological incorrectness?

And there you have deep ecology’s only hope: metaphysical logic. One is available.

Green Politics is Deep Ecology, is logos logic

Green politics are only meaningful if they align with deep ecology. Conventional politics have added shallow ecology to their purpose. They address the symptoms of environmental degradation while proceeding with economic growth and scientific optimism. Green politics are a response to a defective system of thought that brought us to this juncture. If our relationship to nature is wrong, then we suffer and could well die. Greens think that is self-evident, but it is in the nature of duality to dispute and be insensitive to nature. Environmentalism is neither a choice nor a topic for partisan politics. That environmentalism, like democracy, is extra-agenda, is the Green’s premise for being something different in politics. Thus Green politics and deep ecology signify a change in thinking before all else. By identifying environmentalism as a reality, logos logic vindicates the Green premise. No political party has previously had that this degree of endorsement. Logic’s endorsement will translate into an intellectual and electoral advantage.

Environmentalism cannot afford to be another option in the political marketplace. Being adopted in one election and cast aside in the next serves no purpose. The sharing of ‘extra-agenda’ status with democracy is the best guarantee environmentalism has of remaining foremost in thought and practise. Not to put too fine a point on it, democracy, citizenship and environmentalism have been elevated to ‘sacred’ status, due to not being options. Only logic can identify that category of idea.

Logos logic is make or break for Green politics. It will not be easy for Greens to adopt logic because as left-of-centre liberals they have their favoured values, ideals and sympathies, and next they have to be able to see all dualistic values, ideals and sympathies are perfidious. Logic is not familiar, altruistic, Judeo-Christian territory, but if Greens mean what they say about the deep interrelatedness between humans and the environment, they will have no option.

There is nothing special to the social side of the Green political platform that is not an extrapolation from their environmental position. They, along with every other party, have their value-wares to offer, and otherwise, minimal philosophy. This is said to dispel any delusion that their liberal platform and programme is particularly special in policies for peace, justice or social welfare. It is disappointing that political parties imagine they can re-brand values.

It was never apparent that environmentalism would find common ground with Idealism. Hegel and environmentalism do not have any obvious overlap. Idealism is normally too abstract to be objectively obvious, but the exigencies of our threatened existence has given deep abstractions simple relevance. Survival sharpens the Mind/mind.



This essay has explained that by giving new meanings to three words; reality, creation and deep, all of philosophy, religion and politics are transformed. It is philosophy’s task to mine new meaning from the commonplace, but a change in consciousness falls entirely into the realm of metaphysics. Only metaphysics would get beyond belief in objectivity.

Absolute Truth is entirely unadorned. This distinguishing feature is not addressed in this essay. Relative Truth is capable of being adorned. With redefined exceptions, values are adorned with belief and sentiment. More seriously, values are incapable of realising what they pretend to. What they pretend to, ie. peace, equality, justice, are results. Results follow realities, and in this context, realities follow creation.  Values are not aligned with reality because values are not analogues of creation. Since the task of explicating creation requires a full philosophy, the nature of creation is also unaddressed in the essay. Still, the above has outlined how a whole category of respected ideas can be dismissed, after logic is made concomitant with creation. Creation is the crux. Theories about creation are very exposed, but if the theory is correct, then ironically, it is beyond absolute Proof. Dialectic’s claim to logic has been dispelled and Civilisation will never undergo a more thorough reconciliation between ideas and reality. Unadorned Truth is ascendant over values.